24 September 2018: The UN Global Compact recognized ten business leaders as ‘SDG Pioneers’ for working to embed the Compact’s principles into their companies’ core strategies. In addition, 34 companies were recognized for their engagement in responsible business.
The announcements were made during the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit, which convened on 24 September 2018, at UN Headquarters in New York, US.
The 2018 SDG Pioneers hail from Singapore, France, Lebanon, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Germany, Indonesia and Australia. SDG Pioneers are named yearly, based on: commitment to embedding the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact in their companies’ core strategies; efforts to advance the SDGs; and engagement with the UN Global Compact and its Local Networks. The 2018 Pioneers are championing:
Green infrastructure and a low-carbon economy;
Climate action through resource efficiency in water and waste management;
Gender equality and economic inclusion;
Investing in social development;
Women’s empowerment in conflict settings;
Business ethics;
Economic empowerment of refugees;
Innovative solutions for sustainable water and climate action;
Sustainability through community engagement; and
Economic empowerment of indigenous peoples.
The UN Global Compact also recognized 34 companies as Global Compact LEAD companies for their commitment to the compact and its principles. The companies represent every region of the world and 19 sectors. The 2018 Lead companies include the China Development Bank, Bayer AG, Fuji Xerox Company, L’Oreal, Safaricom, Schneider Electric, Total and Unilever. [UN Global Compact Press Release on SDG Pioneers] [2018 SDG Pioneers] [UN Global Compact Press Release on Most Engaged Businesses]
First published on LinkedIn here : Virginie MARTINS de NOBREGA sur LinkedIn : #SDGpioneers #GlobalGoals #LeadersSummit