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The Nelson Mandela Peace Summit on Global Peace (Coming)


On 24 September, a day before the start of the General Debate of the 73rd session of the General Assembly, the General Assembly will convene the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit.

The focus of the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit is on Global Peace in honour of the centenary of the birth of Nelson Mandela.

This Peace Summit offers the opportunity for world leaders to renew their commitment to global peace, conflict prevention, conflict resolution, peacebuilding, promotion and protection of human rights and long-term development initiatives as called for by the Secretary-General.

The Peace Summit will also adopt a political declaration, which will reaffirm the values of Nelson Mandela.

We need to face the forces that threaten us with the wisdom, courage and fortitude that Nelson Mandela embodied." -- Secretary-General António Guterres at a peace summit in Nelson Mandela's honour, as #UNGA enters its biggest weeks of the year.

First published on LinkedIn here : Virginie MARTINS de NOBREGA sur LinkedIn : #UNGA


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